In the heart of a rural landscape In Dorset, the atmosphere is charged with a timely energy for the fashion photoshoot titled "Bad News." The narrative unfolds against a backdrop of flat, browned meadow and dead trees abandoned amongst reeds. The setting mirrors a juxtaposition of an independent woman and elegance, creating a story that challenges conventional rebellious norms of what a woman is capable of when left on her own.
The fashion photoshoot took place in Dorset. It went a little differently to what I had thought it would turn out but we adapted, we analysed the environment. The aim of this test shoot was to focus on a single image and understanding what the story was saying in each shot. I also wanted to start the year off experimenting with lighting and how to balance this with the natural light. During winter natural light becomes quite harsh quite quickly and is usually quite a challenge to work with. It was overcome with a Profoto A10 off camera and a reflector to soften the light. Using the Canon R5 and 1.2 50mm Lens
Watch Behind the Scenes here.