Bank Holiday Photography Commission spent at South Deep

I have been working down the beautiful Parkstone Bay Marina in Poole, Dorset for several years with my Photography and Social Media clients Dromeas Yachts UK . South Deep is situated on the Marina’s edge and it was a pleasure to spend the bank holiday weekend photographing fresh portfolio of lifestyle content during the members summer launch night for Jimmy and the team at South Deep.

Photography at Sunset with Dromeas Yachts Channel Islands

I’ve had a great weekend in the Channel Islands with Dromeas Yachts . A day at sea creating content and brand photography AND getting to explore Jersey before driving into an amazing sunset. I am so happy with these results!

Goodwood FOS with Team Penske

This years Goodwood Festival of Speed was dedicated to American Motorsport legend Roger Penske. I was introduced to Roger through Nick Goozee who invited me to photograph Team Penske at this years Goodwood FOS.

“Penske’s attendance comes as the event celebrates “The Maestros – Motorsport’s Great All-Rounders”, a theme consistently exemplified by Roger Penske and his race teams. As a driver, Penske enjoyed success on both sides of the Atlantic, winning in NASCAR and making it to Formula 1. But ‘The Captain’ is perhaps best known as the leader of Team Penske, having achieved unprecedented success across a number of motorsport disciplines, including INDYCAR, NASCAR, Trans-Am, sports cars, Australian Supercars and Formula 1.” ~

The Dorset Cider Makers

This is a recent commission with Dorset Nectar Cider Company! As a local company based near Bridport, Dorset, I have known The Strong family for a long time. We have remained in contact as local cider suppliers to the family business Your Village Stores 

Ryan at Dorset Nectar Cider got in touch after recent developments at the farm and looking for a collection of brand new content to help push Dorset Nectars visual presence and promote the new changes happening in the business. 

With so many parts of the Cider making process to cover, I wanted to make sure the full story was captured as also the new developments such as cider tours, tastings and the new tasting room and shop.

Content Creation with Herald Motor Company

I met the team at Herald Motor Company last year at the Malle Mile where I got the chance to test out the Herald Maverick. A year later I got back in touch as I was super excited about creating a series of lifestyle content with a collaboration with my Defender and MotoTote Carriers. Based in the Dorset countryside, I headed back to one of my favourite shooting locations to get a series of track and trail photographs as well as a short film - filmed by Max Bartholomew

'Tender' An experimental series with Candace Campbell

The strange hue and dull sun was due to rise. The atmospheric mixture of sand and dust was blown from the Sahara Desert forming hazy skies that impeded the suns rays. Found along the South West coast path, Eype Beach, Dorset, offers a peaceful seclusion where the single fisherman rises from his tent at dawn. Little fishing boats up turned on the bay and the sense of untouched land was apparent. Hidden away from more popular beaches along the Jurassic Coastline, Eype had a sense of mystery. The mystery was timeless. Everything seemed untouched by humans apart from the faded life-ring and rickety banisters. Even the car park sign was handwritten on a cardboard sign cable tied to a stump in the ground.

In these particular photos I wanted to create a contrast, a connection between human interaction and a tranquil untouched bay. A sense of discovery and timelessness. This series is called ‘Tender’.

Model: Candace Campbell

On Location with We Are Nuevo...

A new agency on the scene! Photographed in the New Forest, I had the opportunity last winter to produce a new series of work with creative agency, We Are Nuevo. A team of experts experienced in working with leading global brands in a sustainable way.

“Our strategy is to keep our processes clean. Creativity should not kill the planet.”

The shoot was kept natural, environmental and local to base in Dorset. With a strategy to keep their processes clean, Nuevo needed some new photography and content to represent this. Taking my ‘natural, behind the scene’ approach and by keeping the shoot natural in this chosen environment, I think we were able to achieve this.

Howes and Wayko

Beautifully handcrafted in Great Britain, Howes and Wayko London work with textures, colours and sustainable exotic materials to produce the finest luxury countryside and shooting clothing and accessories. Shot in Somerset at the Owl Lodge Shooting School, this photography shoot aims to capture these beautiful qualities and bring the details to life within the countryside environment.

Content Creation close to home... with Hicks and Brown

Introducing the latest Fedora hat from Hicks and Brown with some new lifestyle photography to support the Hicks and Brown launch.

With my content creation package, Hicks and Brown came to me looking for a collection of new country photographs using the Olive Green Fedora Hat. A day out in the Dorset countryside I photographed this series. Also styled by myself, I wanted to have a green colour palette for this shoot to match the Olive hat however, I shot with a small soft artificial light on this occasion to illuminate the hat to ensure it didn’t get lost amongst all of the green environment.

“We are really pleased with this collection of photographs India has produced, a completely different style to our usual one but really refreshing to see the hat in a different light!” ~ Hicks and Brown

Behind the Scenes with Baboo Gelato

Behind the scenes with Baboo Gelato for my regular social media clients Your Village Stores! Baboo Gelato was set up in 2015 by Annie Hanbury, a trained gelatiere, who wanted to combine her passion for making seriously good ice cream with the glut of fabulous ripe fruit on her doorstep. This became very clear during a recent visit to the factory.

Handmade using their own fresh, seasonal fruit to produce sensational, mouth-watering flavours like no other. Each batch of Baboo’s artisanal ice cream is carefully prepared from scratch on their premises in Bridport, Dorset, using succulent fruit, local organic milk and lashings of dedication.

Gelato is not simply the Italian name for ice cream. Although it feels very smooth, gelato is made using more milk than cream, and so is much lower in fat than traditional ice cream. There is also less air in gelato, which means it packs more flavour.

A Recent Social Media Film I shot for Saltwater Solutions

Workshop Wednesday at Saltwater Solutions! Time for a customer Outboard Overhaul. I work regularly with Saltwater Solutions producing weekly social media strategies and content creation. Videography is completely new to me but I have began to see the importance of film in social strategies. This is a clip I shot recently to show off a recent worksop project.

At Home Product Photography With Tutti & Co. Jewellery

When it comes to shooting at home, lighting is key. The morning light is so beautiful at the moment that I chose to shoot some of my favourite jewellery pieces from a brand called Tutti & Co.

For this shoot, it was early enough to get soft light outside and still create the ‘early morning, fresh sheet’ look that I was aiming for to fit with this particular brand.

Things you will need:

  • Camera / Phone

  • Table

  • Duvet / white sheet

  • Product / jewellery of your choice

  • Leaves

  • A couple of props to play around with - I used pastel pink almonds but fruits could be an alternative idea

Step 1: Position your table where the light can hit the object whether inside by a window or outside. Play around with your positioning to avoid shooting into the light.

Step 2: Place down your white sheet - I used a duvet to give the ‘Lazy Sunday morning’ vibe and also add some texture and depth around the product and props.

Step 3: Play around with your layouts. I thought about the composition when shooting mine - placing the jewellery as centre focus and positioning a beautiful glass bowl of pink almonds (House of Dorchester Chocolates) closer to the light to give off some lovely detailed reflections on the sheet. I also really like it when props bleed out of the frame too but I experimented with a range of framings.

Step 4: Play with the light. I used a leaf from a fern and had a couple of different shaped leaves to swap in and out depending on how much white space I wanted to keep around the product. These shadows added a nice ‘summery’ feel to fit with the brands aesthetics.

Product photography jewellery brand content Dorset.jpg

Step 5: Editing - I wanted it to be soft and light and make the pink in the almonds ‘Pop’. I lifted the shadows and whites and lowered the highlights slighting to capture a bit more detail. Below are some of my befores and afters!

I hope you enjoyed! I have more product photography shoots lined up soon with new experiments, so stay tuned…

Training and Trainer

Based in Portland, Dorset, new gym Jurassic Muscle and Fitness was built. As a personal trainer myself, I attend regularly and found some photography potential within this industrial styled gym. I wanted to capture training and sports content for Jurassic Muscle and Fitness and also for Matt Harvey, a personal trainer based in Weymouth, Dorset. Tracking progress is an important of any client or person in training and photographing Matt regularly during his competition training is a good way of creating gym content for social media but also showing Matts body changes and gym progression.

Days with my grandmother

My nan has always been ready for things. Never been one to sit and be idle. Up and active with her coat and shoes on early each morning, ready to start the day.

Ever since my mum can remember, Friday has always been a “clean bed day” in my nan’s house. She has always been a clean and tidy lady but throughout the stages of dementia this day gradually faded out. Having clean sheets on the bed, now only happens if it is done for her.

She always assists my mum with making it even though she is convinced it is not her home.

I took these photographs during lunch time… For my nan, lunch time is usually a time when she convinces herself that she's eaten and sometimes not realising when she's hungry. It’s now all about encouraging her to eat, so making her lunch is always satisfying.

She often takes pauses to question if everyone else has eaten even though its just her and I in the room.

Staring, wandering , biting her nails - you can start to see when confusion kicks in, usually followed by a sudden change of emotion.

I captured this moment just before she felt lost and didn’t understand where she was.

The majority of dinner times are confusing. Going back to the days when she fed for 7 children, thinking they are all coming home for their tea. There are also days when she waits for family members to bring her her dinner. Bringing her back to reality can be tough.