A creative suite for the outdoor industry @SeasonsTribe #GetOutsideSeasonsTribe

A recent content photography shoot with Season Tribe! Bringing the Season Tribe tangy orange beanie to life with another country shoot close to home!

Bay Watch... On location with Farer Universal and Arran Witherford

In front of the camera for a content shoot in Dorset with Farer Universal watches. Beautifully shot by Dorset’s Travel and Commercial Photographer, Arran Witherford. Farer watches are inspired by the halcyon era of watchmaking, when bold colours and contrasting textures were combined with the very best craftsmanship. A British Design X Swiss Made Watches, something worth exploring…

Pic: Arran Witherford

Milk and More - Supporting local with Liberty Dairy

Liberty Dairy is based at Liberty Farm in West Dorset, a family-run organic dairy farm. Peter and Judith run the farm single handily 365 days a year. Taking fresh organic milk from the farm, pasteurising it and selling it directly to their customers through vending machines situated in local farm and village shops.

Their mission is to  supply local milk of the highest quality to local people with minimal environmental impact. With zero plastic, Customers either bring their own containers or can purchase re-useable Liberty Dairy glass bottles for £1 each. Food miles are also very low as their retailers are no further than 20 miles from the Dairy. PLUS it's super fresh and delivered to shops on the same day of production. Healthy and organic also means that there are no artificial chemicals and the milk contains high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids as a result of he cows being predominantly grass/clover-fed.

As a recent partnership with my regular content strategy clients, Your Village Stores, I spent some time with Pete and his business partner Judith on their Organic Dairy farm and orchard to document behind the scenes of a small Dorset family run business. With plenty of plans to expand their business from Apple products made from their orchard to working sustainably with more local Dorset businesses. There was plenty of photographic opportunities to tell their story and produce enough engaging content to announce the launch of a new local supplier at Your Village Stores.

Caves, Climbs and Coastal vibes

Another weekend another adventure. This time it was a new location. Dancing Ledge, Dorset has been on the ‘explore’ list for some time and this weekend seemed a good a time as any to tick it off the list. With the indoor climbing wall opening very soon, dancing ledge was the perfect spot to warm up and get back to it! Not only have I found another amazing beauty spot on the South Coast, but a potential photoshoot location with ‘wilderness’ vibes. Definitely a recommended ‘go-to’ Dorset spot from me!

Products: Osprey Packs, Garmin, Merrell

Chalk lines and Parking Fines

We thought being lockdown, there wouldn’t be any issues finding parking spaces. We were clearly oblivious to the yellow sign with restrictions towering above the dozen cars parked along the road leading to Old Harry Rocks. We soon knew this wasn't the place for parking when we were greeted with a yellow envelop on our return.

This was my first time out of the countryside in a while, I hadn’t left my village in months as I had been creating all of content and photography shoots around areas at home. I had missed the sea A LOT and of course, my adventure pal, Emma!

With lockdown rules lifted, I couldn’t wait to get out to the Coast. It felt good to be back outside exploring again at one of my favourite areas of the Jurassic Coast, Dorset. This place always blows me away with its beauty and formations.

We were too late for golden hour but it was clear to see that the lowered pollution levels from lockdown had some effect to result in such clear waters that surrounded Old Harry Rocks. Soft pastel skies, white chalk lines and still blue waters. Absolute dream!

Featuring Osprey Bags and Emma Millson.